trauma therapy

Raising Awareness: June is PTSD Awareness Month

It is estimated that approximately 8 million people in the United States are currently suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Even though there are very effective treatments for PTSD, many people do not get the help that they need. We have created this blog to help bridge this gap and provide information and education regarding PTSD and its treatability. Below are 5 helpful facts and resources related to PTSD.

  1. The National Center for PTSD provides accurate and thorough information about trauma and post-trauma reactions like PTSD. Information is available in written and video form.

  2. PTSD is treatable. While effective PTSD treatment is available, it is imperative that consumers are aware of the interventions that are most supported by the empirical literature. Two treatments- Cognitive Processing Therapy and Prolonged Exposure Therapy- have over 25 years of solid research supporting its effectiveness for treating PTSD. These treatments are effective in treating PTSD whether it is a single-incident PTSD or PTSD resulting from repeated traumatic events, such as childhood sexual abuse or childhood physical abuse. These treatments are brief, time-limited and trauma-focused.

  3. When deciding about treatment for PTSD, it can be helpful to hear first-hand experiences from others who have struggled with PTSD and have undergone evidence-based treatments for PTSD.

  4. It can be challenging to find clinicians who are expert in PTSD treatment. Using google or looking at a clinician’s website can be a good place to start; however, to ensure clinicians have had extensive training in effective PTSD treatments, consumers might consider searching for clinicians through professional organizations that have substantiated clinicians’ credentials and training in effective evidence-based PTSD treatments. The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD Implementation Program and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies provide helpful find-a-therapist search engines.

  5. Family and friends of those with PTSD may also wish for information about PTSD and resources to help their loved ones get needed help. Having a loved one with PTSD can be confusing and worrisome; however, family and friends may be comforted to learn that PTSD and traumatic stress symptoms can be treated with the right therapies.

If you, or someone you know is struggling with trauma symptoms or PTSD and you live in Palm Beach County (Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Parkland and surrounding areas), you can contact the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Center of the Palm Beaches to obtain a telephone consultation at 561-299-0383. Dr. Stephanie Sacks is an expert in trauma treatment and PTSD treatment.