We are now offering an intensive outpatient treatment program for individuals struggling with a variety of mental health concerns (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobias, etc). This program includes individual therapy sessions that may last from 2-5 hours per day, occurring up to 3-5 days per week. The duration of treatment may last between one day to approximately one month, depending on the frequency and length of sessions and the nature of the client's concerns. Sessions may be offered during the day, before or after work or school, in the evening or on a weekend. Intensive treatment may be appropriate for individuals who:

-may have a more severe symptom presentation

-require a short-term treatment effect, such as those who are in town for a brief period of time

-have difficulty managing the cost of a more typically protracted treatment process

-have had difficulty abiding to the discipline required to complete practice assignments between sessions in typical weekly cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The benefits of engaging in an intensive program are supported by research which suggests that individuals enrolled in an intensive exposure-based program are capable of achieving and maintaining similar goals as individuals enrolled in a standard weekly treatment program. In order to maintain treatment success after intensive therapy, clients are recommended to attend weekly follow-up appointments to assist with the integration and application of the success attained during the intensive period into the person's regular life. In the case of out-of-town clients, we are able to offer psychotherapy follow-up appointments using HIPPA-encrypted tele-therapy sessions or can arrange for aftercare with local providers.